Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Let's try this

7th period.   We need a new plan of action.  We will experiment until we find what works.

3rd period, you guys are awesome.  Sorry you have to be my warm up class for 7th, but you are learning more and faster because you are on task.   Good for you.

7th.  You are not bad as a group but but it is a group class,  and a few of you are making it extremely difficult for me to teach you.     So, have faith on task students.  We will fix this.  

What I expect.

1. Take you seats until I finish explaining our lesson

2.  When I am talking you are not and you are not playing guitar.   PERIOD.

3.  When the computers are on, you are working on the lesson.   Or,  another guitar related subject.

4.  You are respectful to each other, the guitars and your teacher.

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